STEM For Kids In Schools

[focus_text_nd color=”greydark” title=”Instructor-Led Online Classes are Available for Your Students” description=”Dedicated online classes are setup per your needs and can be launched immediately. Students can interact with their instructor and their peers from the convenience of their homes. ” link=”|title:Learn%20More%20%3E%3E|”]
[focus_title_nd color=”orange” title=”Innovative Curricula” link=”||target:%20_blank”]

We have the most comprehensive line-up of STEM / STEAM curriculum including computer coding, health and biomedicine, engineering, robotics and automation, business and entrepreneurship.
With over 40 courses (more than 1200 hours of instruction), there is a lot to engage your students in hands-on STEM. See our curriculum portfolio here.

The world of STEM is evolving really fast. Let us help you bring innovative STEM into your classroom / school without you having to chase the latest and greatest happenings in the industry.

[focus_title_nd color=”blue” title=”Educational Touchpoints” link=”||”]

The foundation of our STEM experience is a 4 Dimensional Learning Methodology that brings fun inquiry-based hands-on activities together with purposeful learning of various STEM / STEAM and business topics, career connections and practices, inter-disciplinary learning and Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

Our curricula and programs align with educational standards.
State Specific Science Standards

Next Generation Science Standards

Common Core Math and English Language Arts

Information and Technology Standards

Computer Science Education Standards

[focus_title_nd color=”yellow” title=”Flexible Program Delivery”]

We provide custom STEM & STEAM activities. Enabled by our modular proprietary curricula, we bring activities that fit your goals for in-school STEM enrichment.

Custom Program Delivery – online (virtual) instructor-led classes, afterschool, before-school, in-school field trips, assemblies, workshops, regular STEM / STEAM classes or camps:

Online instructor-led classes for your students on Wednesdays during asynchronous learning days? Done.

Want 9 weeks of hour-long after school sessions? Done.

Need 14 days of on-site camps? Done.

An hour of enrichment for all 5th grade classrooms in your school? Done.

16 hours of computer programming immersion for your 7th graders? Done.

Regular STEM enrichment as part of your afterschool programs ? Done.

Tell us your programs goals here.

Plus, count on us for operational support. If you don’t want the hassle of managing students registrations, we do it for you. Ask us about our turnkey programs.We bring instructors and materials including computers, robots to your site.

[focus_title_nd color=”red” title=”After School – Before School Programs”]

Per Afterschool Alliance, out of school STEM programs show positive outcomes in improving students’ attitude towards STEM careers, increasing their knowledge and skills, and providing a higher likelihood for graduation.

Bring a breadth of STEM programs to enrich your students’ learning before and after the school hours including Early Release Days. We work with mixed grade groups – convenience for you and parents as children can stay at school for these enrichment programs.

We come to you. So, there is no cost to transport and it is easy for parents to pickup.  We can also register students to offer you a complete turnkey solution. Or, if you already implement a school-wide afterschool program, you can conveniently add STEM enrichment for your afterschool students.

Tell us about your afterschool program needs here.

[focus_title_nd color=”blue” title=”In School Field Trips – Workshops” link=”||”]

We bring hands-on STEM to your students during the school day. These are grade level focused STEM workshops designed to extend students’ learning of science and math.

Provide STEM enrichment for your students at your site online or in-person. Save the cost and logistical hassle of busing children to another location. Educators, the curricula is aligned with national and state standards.

Tell us about your inschool STEM enrichment needs here.

[focus_title_nd color=”green” title=”Camps – Track Out, Summer, Intersession”]

We come to your site and provide custom camps for your students on-site when school is out of session. We can handle everything from student registrations to program delivery and can customize based on your needs.

Off-site trackout and year round camps may also be available in your area. Check out our locations.

Tell us about your out-of-school time camp needs here.

[focus_title_nd color=”red” title=”In School Assembly” link=”||”]

Looking for a big group, assembly type, program for your students for early release days or other circumstances? STEM For Kids provides many themes to engage your students in hands-on STEM.

Request more information on STEM assemblies at your school / organization.

[focus_title_nd color=”blue” title=”Our STEM Coaches”]

Our instruction staff, STEM Coaches, are trained on not just the curriculum content but also the STEM For Kids’ unique 4 Dimensional Learning method to provide fun learning experience for students.

Each coach is background checked to ensure safety.

STEM For Kids